Package: starschemar

starschemar: Obtaining Stars from Flat Tables

Data in multidimensional systems is obtained from operational systems and is transformed to adapt it to the new structure. Frequently, the operations to be performed aim to transform a flat table into a star schema. Transformations can be carried out using professional extract, transform and load tools or tools intended for data transformation for end users. With the tools mentioned, this transformation can be carried out, but it requires a lot of work. The main objective of this package is to define transformations that allow obtaining stars from flat tables easily. In addition, it includes basic data cleaning, dimension enrichment, incremental data refresh and query operations, adapted to this context.

Authors:Jose Samos [aut, cre], Universidad de Granada [cph]

starschemar.pdf |starschemar.html
starschemar/json (API)

# Install 'starschemar' in R:
install.packages('starschemar', repos = c('', ''))

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Last updated 5 months agofrom:5ed318f0a0. Checks:OK: 7. Indexed: yes.

Doc / VignettesOKAug 30 2024
R-4.5-winOKAug 30 2024
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starschemar Transformation Operations

Rendered fromv10_transformation_op.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Aug 30 2024.

Last update: 2024-01-08
Started: 2024-01-08

starschemar: Obtaining Star Schemas from Flat Tables

Rendered fromstarschemar.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Aug 30 2024.

Last update: 2024-01-08
Started: 2020-07-24

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Transform dimension numeric attributes to charactercharacter_dimensions character_dimensions.star_schema
'constellation' S3 classconstellation
Export a constellation as a 'multistar'constellation_as_multistar constellation_as_multistar.constellation
Export a constellation as a 'tibble' listconstellation_as_tibble_list constellation_as_tibble_list.constellation
Constellation for Mortality Reporting Systemct_mrs
Constellation for Mortality Reporting System Testct_mrs_test
Define dimensions in a 'dimensional_model' objectdefine_dimension define_dimension.dimensional_model
Define facts in a 'dimensional_model' objectdefine_fact define_fact.dimensional_model
'dimensional_model' S3 classdimensional_model
'dimensional_query' S3 classdimensional_query
Star Definition for Mortality Reporting System by Agedm_mrs_age
Star Definition for Mortality Reporting System by Causedm_mrs_cause
Export selected attributes of a dimensionenrich_dimension_export enrich_dimension_export.star_schema
Import 'tibble' to enrich a dimensionenrich_dimension_import enrich_dimension_import.star_schema
Import 'tibble' to test to enrich a dimensionenrich_dimension_import_test enrich_dimension_import_test.star_schema
Filter dimensionfilter_dimension filter_dimension.dimensional_query
Filter fact rowsfilter_fact_rows filter_fact_rows.star_schema
Modelling the long-term health impacts of air pollution in Londonft_datagov_uk
London Boroughsft_london_boroughs
USA City and Countyft_usa_city_county
USA Statesft_usa_states
Get conformed dimensionget_conformed_dimension get_conformed_dimension.constellation
Get conformed dimension namesget_conformed_dimension_names get_conformed_dimension_names.constellation
Get dimensionget_dimension get_dimension.star_schema
Get dimension attribute namesget_dimension_attribute_names get_dimension_attribute_names.star_schema
Get dimension namesget_dimension_names get_dimension_names.star_schema
Get measure namesget_measure_names get_measure_names.star_schema
Get star schemaget_star_schema get_star_schema.constellation
Get star schema namesget_star_schema_names get_star_schema_names.constellation
Incrementally refresh a constellation with a star schemaincremental_refresh_constellation incremental_refresh_constellation.constellation
Make a dimension record equal to anothermatch_records match_records.record_update_set
Apply dimension record update operations to conformed dimensionsmodify_conformed_dimension_records modify_conformed_dimension_records.constellation
Apply dimension record update operationsmodify_dimension_records modify_dimension_records.star_schema
Mortality Reporting Systemmrs
Mortality Reporting System by Agemrs_age
Mortality Reporting System by Age Testmrs_age_test
Mortality Reporting System by Age for Week Testmrs_age_w_test
Mortality Reporting System by Age for Week 10mrs_age_w10
Mortality Reporting System by Age for Week 11mrs_age_w11
Mortality Reporting System by Causemrs_cause
Mortality Reporting System by Cause Testmrs_cause_test
Mortality Reporting System by Cause for Week Testmrs_cause_w_test
Mortality Reporting System by Cause for Week 10mrs_cause_w10
Mortality Reporting System by Cause for Week 11mrs_cause_w11
Multistar for Mortality Reporting Systemms_mrs
Multistar for Mortality Reporting System Testms_mrs_test
Export a 'multistar' as a flat tablemultistar_as_flat_table multistar_as_flat_table.multistar
Purge dimensions in a constellationpurge_dimensions_constellation purge_dimensions_constellation.constellation
Purge dimensionspurge_dimensions_star_schema purge_dimensions_star_schema.star_schema
'record_update_set' S3 classrecord_update_set
Rename dimensionrename_dimension rename_dimension.star_schema
Rename dimension attributesrename_dimension_attributes rename_dimension_attributes.star_schema
Rename factrename_fact rename_fact.star_schema
Rename measuresrename_measures rename_measures.star_schema
Define a role playing dimension in a 'star_schema' objectrole_playing_dimension role_playing_dimension.star_schema
Run queryrun_query run_query.dimensional_query
Select dimensionselect_dimension select_dimension.dimensional_query
Select factselect_fact select_fact.dimensional_query
Transform names according to the snake case stylesnake_case snake_case.star_schema
Star Schema for Mortality Reporting System by Agest_mrs_age
Star Schema for Mortality Reporting System by Age Testst_mrs_age_test
Star Schema for Mortality Reporting System by Age for Week Testst_mrs_age_w_test
Star Schema for Mortality Reporting System by Age for Week 10st_mrs_age_w10
Star Schema for Mortality Reporting System by Age for Week 11st_mrs_age_w11
Star Schema for Mortality Reporting System by Causest_mrs_cause
Star Schema for Mortality Reporting System by Cause Testst_mrs_cause_test
Star Schema for Mortality Reporting System by Cause for Week Testst_mrs_cause_w_test
Star Schema for Mortality Reporting System by Cause for Week 10st_mrs_cause_w10
Star Schema for Mortality Reporting System by Cause for Week 11st_mrs_cause_w11
'star_schema' S3 classstar_schema
Export a star schema as a flat tablestar_schema_as_flat_table star_schema_as_flat_table.star_schema
Export a star schema as a 'multistar'star_schema_as_multistar star_schema_as_multistar.star_schema
Export a star schema as a 'tibble' liststar_schema_as_tibble_list star_schema_as_tibble_list.star_schema
Obtaining Star Schemas from Flat Tablesstarschemar-package starschemar _PACKAGE
Update a dimension record with a set of valuesupdate_record update_record.record_update_set
Update dimension records with a set of valuesupdate_selection update_selection.record_update_set
Update dimension records with a set of values in given columnsupdate_selection_general update_selection_general.record_update_set
Updates for the Star Schema for Mortality Reporting System by Ageupdates_st_mrs_age
Updates for the Star Schema for Mortality Reporting System by Age Testupdates_st_mrs_age_test